HIAG Immobilien: IPO over-allotment option partially exercised

Publié: 13. juin 2014

Media Release


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On 16 May 2014, the HIAG Immobilien shares were traded on SIX Swiss Exchange for the first time. Credit Suisse decided on 12 June 2014 to partially exercise the over-allotment option. The 81'974 shares covering the over-allotment option are sourced from the anchor shareholders Felix Grisard, Salome Grisard Varnholt and Andrea Grisard and were placed in the market at CHF 76.00 per share.


Including the shares placed in connection with the over-allotment option, a total of 2'629'474 shares were sold in the IPO of HIAG Immobilien, representing 32.87% of today's issued share capital. The total placement volume therefore amounts to approximately CHF 199.8 million.


After the partial exercise of the over-allotment option, the anchor shareholders hold, both directly and indirectly, 65.26% of the total 8'000'000 registered shares of the company.


The anchor shareholders as well as the members of the board of directors and the management have signed a lock-up agreement for a period of 12 months, and HIAG Immobilien has agreed to a lock-up of 6 months starting from the first trading day, subject to the usual exemptions. Moreover, the anchor shareholders have underpinned their long-term commitment to the Company by signing a shareholders' agreement.


Credit Suisse acted as Sole Bookrunner for the IPO and Bank Vontobel AG as Co-Lead Manager.



Martin Durchschlag

Chief Executive Officer

T +41 61 606 55 28


Laurent Spindler

Chief Financial Officer

T +41 61 606 55 23



HIAG Immobilien Holding AG

Aeschenplatz 7

4052 Basel

T +41 61 606 55 00




About HIAG Immobilien

HIAG Immobilien is a leading Swiss property owner, manager and redeveloper of former industrial sites in attractive locations. Its real estate portfolio is broadly diversified both geographically as well as in terms of property usage. HIAG Immobilien owns 38 sites with a total surface area of 2.4 million m². The group generates an annualised property income of approximately CHF 48 million and currently pursues 46 short-, mid- and long term redevelopment projects. As a long-term landlord HIAG Immobilien aims at sustainable development of new quarters and grows its portfolio on a continuous basis.


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For the avoidance of doubt, neither the Sole Bookrunner nor the Co-Lead Manager makes any representation or warranty that it intends to accept or be bound to any of the information contained herein nor shall the Sole Bookrunner or the Co-Lead Manager be obliged to enter into any further discussions or negotiations pursuant thereto but shall be entitled in their absolute discretion to act in any way that they see fit in connection with the potential transaction. Any discussions, negotiations or other communications that may be entered into, whether in connection with this communication or otherwise, shall be conducted subject to contract. No representation or warranty expressly or implicitly, is or will be made as to, or in relation to, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by the Sole Bookrunner or the Co-Lead Manager, or any of their respective officers, employees or agents, as to or in relation to the accuracy or completeness of this communication, publicly available information on HIAG Immobilien or any other written or oral information made available to any interested party or its advisors and any liability therefore whether in contract, tort or otherwise is hereby expressly disclaimed.


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