HIAG Sells Remaining Paper Machines of Former Biberist Paper Mill

Publié: 23. juillet 2018

Media Release

Basel, 23 July 2018 - While the dismantling work of the paper machine no. 9, sold in 2017, is almost completed, the two remaining production lines no. 6 and no. 8 at the Papieri site in Biberist (SO) have been successfully sold. The paper machines will be installed in Romania, the United Kingdom and Egypt. Disassembly of the installations should be completed by early 2019. A first step has already been taken towards reviving the vacated halls: Private initiators opened the event club P9, inspired by and reminiscent of the site's landmark paper machine no. 9.  



Martin Durchschlag

Chief Executive Officer

T +41 61 606 55 00


Laurent Spindler

Chief Financial Officer

T +41 61 606 55 00



HIAG Immobilien Holding AG

Aeschenplatz 7

4052 Basel

T +41 61 606 55 00

