Market value of investment properties

Market value of real estate investment in %

by type of use1 as at 30/06/2022

1 Industry, Commercial 38.2%
2 Building land 12.9%
3 Distribution, Logistics 11.1%
4 Retail 11.0%
5 Residential 11.0%
6 Office 9.4%
7 Residential, Commercial 5.6%
8 Miscellaneous 0.8%

by canton as at 30/06/2022

A Zurich 27.9%
B Aargau 24.4%
C Geneva 14.5%
D Zug 8.5%
E Solothurn 7.4%
F Baselland 6.6%
G St. Gallen 4.1%
H Miscellaneous 6.6%