Manifesto Sustainable Building

With its "Manifesto Sustainable Building", HIAG has laid down the central cornerstones of its understanding of sustainability for new buildings and total refurbishments. The manifesto addresses the aspects relevant to HIAG in six principles.

These are:

    1. Resilient to the impacts of climate change.
    2. Optimal accessibility and strengthening of sustainable mobility
    3. High quality of stay and safety
    4. Energy-efficient and low-emission infrastructure
    5. High flexibility of use
    6. Consideration of societal needs


Within the framework of these principles and the other provisions of the manifesto, a wide range of sustainability issues are taken into account. These include issues such as certification, biodiversity, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, safety, renewable energy development, resilience to natural hazards and sustainable materials procurement. Further explanations can be found in the publicly available manifesto.

The Manifesto is backed by a comprehensive catalogue of criteria. This translates the six principles into concrete criteria for the different types of use (industry, logistics, retail, office and residential). The criteria are based on the DGNB sustainability standard of the Swiss Society for Sustainable Real Estate Management (SGNI).

Procedurally, the manifesto is integrated into the existing project approval process. This ensures that all relevant bodies deal intensively with the topic. This ensures that the Manifesto is lived and contributes to the development of attractive and innovative solutions.

Application of the Sustainable Building Manifesto:

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Together with the project application, the project leaders process the catalogue of criteria. Any deviations from the set criteria must be justified. The investment committee must confirm the compliance of the building project with the content of the manifest when approving the project. If this is not the case, the building project cannot be approved.